A Nomadic Lifestyle.. a Gypsy Soul

I’ve never been one to stay put for very long. In the last 12 years I have moved 14 times within 11 cities. That equates to approximately once every 10 months. Yes; I have broken a few leases but always found a new renter to move in to avoid the hefty charges!

The Urban Dictionary defines a nomad as N. 1. one without a home who moves around freely without ties holding them back. 2. a constant or full-time traveler. I am experiencing the time of my life being able to live life now as a nomad. Over the course of the last 19 weeks since leaving a life of sticks and bricks I have lived in 18 different cities and four cities on BLM land. That equates to moving an average of once every 6 days. I’m pretty certain we can call me a nomad!

A gypsy soul is referenced in Wild Heart; Gypsy Soul – Odyssey as ” a person in need of change or an adventure. A gypsy soul seeks for the next best thing in any situation. They can be very passionate and inspired by different ideas, attitudes and experiences. …Sure, gypsy souls have a wild heart.” This is a very good read and sums up a gypsy soul quite nicely.

My daughter gave me a very personal, fun gift this past Christmas. This wrap signifies my lifestyle.. my happy heart. I wear it as an addition of me; the same way you wear a wedding band.


The gypsy soul in me has been released to reside in the great unknown. For 16 years I was quite happy and content to stay put in one city, raise my children as a single mom and build a substantial career in the direct sales industry. Today I feel that God has propelled me into the second leg of my purpose and journey here on earth. The full time single mom hat has been exchanged for a new hat.. a serene and simple one.. embracing new experiences, growth, change and people.


I’m loving this new way of living in my Acura TL full time that I fondly named ‘Serenity Sedan’ while continuing to build my business Say It Display It , as well as sharing my journey with you here and on my you tube channel- Serene and Simple Life


Through my musings I hope you may receive a tidbit or take away to inspire you in your journey to experience the great unknown or just a simple understanding of how 1000’s are choosing to live.

Thank you for coming along and your awesome encouragement in new beginnings; living life as a nomad with a gypsy soul.

Smiles & Joy,



Alone..Groups or Caravans

As I venture out further into the great unknown I find myself pondering over how I want to proceed. Should I join a specific, formal type group with a label such as WIN – Wandering Individuals Network, LOWS – Loners on Wheels, Escapees Escapees RV Club, Escapers. There are also caravans set up on cheap rv living with specific locations and time frames to literally just show up at your leisure. Or should I just go it alone?

The first three months of ‘New Beginnings’ in my ‘Serenity Sedan’ was completely a solo move. I had no real life friends in this new lifestyle; just cyber ones. The facebook groups were my support. In the early morning hours or late at night I would plug in to connect with other like minded people. My social needs were being met. At least for the time being while I lived and worked in various cities.

My biggest desire beyond abolishing a renter’s life style was to meet a new tribe of ‘real’ not cyber friends. That desire was met at two back to back gatherings- Women’s Rubber Tramp Rendezvous and the massive Rubber Tramp Rendezvous. Part timers, full timers, from every state on the map plus Canada in every kind of rig possible were present. My heart was full. Once these gatherings were over; 10,000 people dispersed.. alone, joined a group, a caravan, or headed back to a home base.

After the two huge meet ups (WRTR and RTR) I spent five days in the desert on BLM land alone. It felt amazing as I took the opportunity to decompress from workshops, seminars, an abundance of people and conversation. The  quiet air and simplicity of daily life without an agenda was a good change. Being proactive with Say It Display It business, my you tube channel Serene and Simple Life looking for seasonal work and working alone at the library gave me a great sense of being productive and purposeful.

Now what?

I met Jann in person at the RTR. We had connected on facebook months ago. IMG_2272Her and I  made a loose plan to stay in the immediate area separately for a few days after the RTR then head out together to meet up with Debbie at the single’s group; WIN for a couple days. From there we would head to Slab City, CA. where Randy (a nomad for 42 years) and his group named ‘Friends of Bob’ is residing. Our upcoming plan is to check out a formal caravan from cheap rv living in another week or so. They reside on BLM land for two weeks at a time then moves 25 miles away to the next location.

First I want to revisit solitude again for a few days. Bob Wells- founder of cheap RV living is doing video shoots of different kinds of home set ups in all kinds of rigs next week. I’m planning to join in the fun to share my home with him and his staff. He has a massive following on his you tube channel where over this next year he will be posting these videos. Cheap RV Living – You Tube

For the last week Jann and I have been socializing with plenty of down time in between. We visited gorgeous sand dunes, hung together at camp fires, participated in a huge pot luck and dance in the desert.  I went on a tour of Salvation Mountain image1 (3)and East Jesus IMG_2329with some of Randy’s group while Jann chose to stay behind. Seeing new things and having people you know around to share in the excitement is way more fun to me than going it alone. Another one of my favorite parts of big gatherings is meeting people from everywhere, from all walks of life and sharing stories. The community meals within our little neighborhood at the RTR were some of the best meals I’ve eaten in a long time. In the week alone I was back to the simplicity of tuna packs, snack attacks, lunch on the run and soup.

I’ve decided in another week or so I will head out into the great unknown without being plugged into a group or caravan. It feels right to me in this first year of new beginnings. I  no longer have an internal conflict about choosing a solo journey. I’m experiencing clarity and peace instead.  It seems there are pros and cons to everything. I feel that God is calling me to serenity and solitude.. It is a desire of mine to be more in tune when He speaks, listening and paying closer attention to what His will is for me in 2019.

In May I will start working and engaging with others as a camp host. At that juncture I will once again move in and out of company with people and being alone. It will provide the balance I need.. to be filled up in the presence of others to learn and grow then retreating to my own company. Being alone provides necessary re-grouping and re-charging time though it also helps me to simply quiet my inner noise and my outward chatter!

One day at a time.. open to whatever God has in store for me and where He would guide me on down the road.

Smiles & laughter,.. Joy in the journey


Serene and Simple Life

Say It Display It